In 2022, a dental group in a major Mid-Atlantic metrpolitan area was looking to grow. It was an established network of nine dental practices. Business was good, but as its operations scaled up, it encountered some unexpected challenges. Underlying many of those challenges was their use of multiple on-premises practice management software (PMS) packages.

They overcame those challenges and became a more agile company as a result, thanks to deploying tab32’s cloud-based PMS and connected enterprise solutions. This case study explores the real-world challenges this dental group faced as a growing organization and how tab32’s team of dedicated professionals and its cloud-based suite of services were able to help it succeed.

Growing pains


This dental group was already quite successful in 2022. However, as their organization grew, they ran into some unexpected challenges. Notably, they needed to support patients who wanted to be seen at multiple offices. By expanding throughout the region and having offices that might be near someone’s home, their work, and their children’s schools, they had grown into a situation where patients didn’t want to be tied to one office.

“We found that patients may have lived in one area and worked in another,” said its Director of Operations. “So we were sharing patients across practices, and it got to be a nightmare of making sure records were where they needed to be.” That was largely due to their offices working with different legacy on-premises PMSs.

And it wasn’t just patients. They had dentists who moved between practices, too. The Director said, “Some of our offices are 25 miles apart. We have five doctors who move between locations to offer sedation dentistry. Each doctor works in a couple of those offices.” Unfortunately, their legacy software had no reliable tool to transfer records securely. So, when a patient needed to be seen at a new office to accommodate a traveling doctor’s schedule, offices needed to share records manually. This was not only time-consuming, it was also sometimes prone to error.

When the dental group was smaller, it was less of a problem. But by 2022, with nine different practices, it was significantly less manageable. ”I had somebody [manually transferring records] almost daily because the patients had that expectation. We were the same company, no matter where the office was. It got very cumbersome to support that,” the Director explained. Their legacy PMS also didn’t have global profiles. So despite using it at many of their offices, their administrators and dentists had unique sign-ons for each, and their profiles didn’t travel.

Taking action
with tab32


These operations weren’t sustainable, especially if the dental group wanted to continue growing. Managing patient records between offices was taking up too much time. “That was probably the biggest catalyst for us looking for cloud software,” the Director said. “That’s when we discovered tab32.”

“[tab32] really owned it and led us through the process.”

It’s not about the software, it’s about the business and the people

Cloud migrations are about more than just software deployments. They have a much broader impact than just on the IT department. They transform operations throughout an organization, impacting every employee’s day-to-day life. That can be a daunting process if not properly managed.

When the Director at the dental group contacted tab32, Tab’s Director of Implementations began a comprehensive project planning process. She did a great job leading us through that process,” the Director said.

“It was a huge undertaking. At that time, we had 250 team members that we had to mobilize and help navigate through that migration process. Tab’s implementation director really owned it and led us through the process. She even helped me with training.”

That process included regular meetings and timeline updates to keep all stakeholders and tab32 staff aligned. They also worked together to develop a detailed project timeline to help monitor progress.

Piloting tab32 at a new office

“It just really lined up,” The dental group Director said about their first tab32 migration. “We were opening a new office, so we decided to pilot it there before we started to bring other locations in.” Tab tested everything about their migration process at this first office, from importing patient and insurance records to deploying software, training employees, and adapting to new workflows.”

And when the dental group was ready to migrate other offices, the Director felt the pilot process was nicely tuned. “We could focus on one team and office and work out any new issues. The migration plan just made it a little more efficient and a little more seamless.”

tab32 migrated all of dental group’s eight remaining offices through the first half of 2023. Once the Director of Operations and the rest of the leadership team were satisfied with operations at each office they merged everything globally in December 2023. Finally, the dental group had a unified enterprise PMS across their entire organization.

An ongoing partnership solved unexpected challenges

Challenges always arise during complex projects. What matters is how you deal with them. The dental group felt tab32’s team was well-prepared for the hiccups in their PMS deployment. “Because of the way some patient records migrated, we needed to do additional scrubbing when we went global [connecting all offices with single sign-on]. We had to collaborate with Tab to accomplish that, but that was a good partnership.”

Immediate improvements and scalability for the future

The impact of migrating to a unified cloud environment with tab32 was immediate and significant. “Everything is so much easier because all the patients are in the same system. And we can access their records from anywhere,” the Director said. Their traveling sedation doctors could also better plan ahead now that everything was on a unified PMS. “It's also helped our doctors be able to look at patients in upcoming treatment for the next day, the next week, from anywhere.”

Agile management capabilities

Unifying their business and clinical operations into a single PMS had other advantages, too. Using tab32 for centralized patient scheduling they could book new appointments no matter where patients called in. The Director explained, “Equally as important to doctors seeing their schedules is having the ability for people answering the phone at our Home Office to be able to schedule patients at the office of their choice and not have to redirect them or say, ‘Oh, no, you'll have to call so and so. Or log out and log back into a different patient database.”

Cloud-based operations are a “game changer”

The dental group already planned to expand to a tenth location during the migration. Now, with tab32, that process will be far simpler. “With the old PMS, I would have had to buy a server and set up a new patient database from scratch. And with the legacy PMS, we needed to import all of our insurance carriers and plans. And you can imagine what that entails for an organization of our size. It gives me anxiety just thinking about it.”

tab32 makes setting up a new office much simpler for the dental group’s team. Patient and insurance data is already in place since all their records are centralized in the secure cloud. “When we’re ready to set up the new office, we just add a location and set up the schedule. Boom, done.”

tab32's data warehousing capability, bolstered by its powerful Power BI tool, is a game-changer for dental practices seeking to optimize their operations and financial health. This advanced analytical tool empowers providers to delve deep into their practice's data, identifying and tracking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that are crucial for measuring success. With the ability to forecast income, practices can plan more effectively for the future, ensuring financial stability and growth.

tab32's data warehousing platform also helps identify patients who require follow-up services, enabling practices to recall them to the office for additional care. This not only enhances patient outcomes by ensuring they receive timely and necessary treatments but also improves the practice's revenue by maximizing service opportunities.

Centralized scheduling & patient records

“Tab has given us flexibility in scheduling, and it's been very cost-effective,” the Director said. When a call comes in, if a patient wants to be seen at their new office, their call center can book them a few weeks out, even before the office opens. All of the patient and insurance records they need are already in tab32. “If a patient is trying to get an appointment in Raleigh but lives near the new office, nothing stops us from booking now. The records are there. We don't have all that tedious labor transferring them into the new system.”

“tab32 is a game changer.”

The Director was particularly excited about that last point. “You're not handing that existing patient a stack of paperwork at the new office. When they show up, it's ‘Oh, hi, Mrs. Smith. Everything’s pulling right up.’ So that is a much better first impression and much easier for everyone.”

The primary doctor at their new office was amazed, too. The Director recounted meeting him at a planning meeting for the new office’s grand opening. He wanted to know if the schedule would open when his new office opened, and the Director told him it was already live and they were filling slots up for the next six months.


As the dental group was looking to expand, they decided to use more than just tab32’s practice management software. They took advantage of the tab32 imaging platform. They were in the process of switching to a new intraoral camera setup. Operating the camera and uploading images proved cumbersome under their existing PMS infrastructure. The implementation team from tab32 stepped in to assist.

“Tab did the research to help us select the best camera and then supported us through its setup and testing,” the Director explained. “We rolled it out in one office, worked out all the hiccups, and then took it to the other offices.” Tab’s team supported the initial camera setup for them and offered ongoing support to all the offices using the tab32 imaging platform. “As we rolled it out, they were there. tab32 helped in each of those locations. Communication is huge, but they were great partners to support that process.”

Offshore call center

Another initiative tab32 assisted with was helping the dental group use an offshore call center in Egypt to manage customer communication. Initially, they were simply looking to supplement its existing local call center. “In our area, dealing with the supply and demand of the workforce has been a little challenging. And so we've been excited to be able to bring in a great team.” However, as they used the offshore team, more and more advantages became clear.

“When we started, it was simply because we couldn't find enough people locally,” the Director said. Their customer base was growing, but “our guests still have the same demands.” Pick up the phone on the first call. Answer my question. Don't transfer me to anybody.

“But then we discovered, hey, there's a time difference here. So we can extend our call center hours with a live person who still has access to our schedule since it’s securely available in Tab.” The Director could also give her local staff a full lunch hour and still have customer service available. And for holidays, too. “We're closed on July 4th. But guess what? They're not.”

An ongoing partnership looking forward

By partnering with tab32 and embracing a cloud PMS, the dental group resolved many of the operational hurdles they struggled with using various on-premises solutions and significantly enhanced their capability to grow and adapt to changing business needs. This strategic shift enabled them to streamline operations, improve patient experience and position itself for future growth.

Their story shows how dental practices can leverage cloud technology, like tab32’s practice management and other solutions, to overcome growth-related business challenges and enhance dental care delivery. “We’re looking to partner with Tab on their planned PMS enhancements. It just gets better and better,” Traingle’s Director of Operations said. “Out in the field, we’re looking forward to what's next. We've come a long way with Tab.”


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