In order to create the cash flow you need to open or acquire your next practice, you have to make your existing practices profitable. But most group practices can’t manage their offices from one central location effectively because it is too time consuming to remote in-and-out of each location.
With tab32’s cloud practice management software, you can easily do things like provide live feedback to treatment coordinators to make sure their acceptance rates are 75%+, look at patient charts, and understand your production metrics hour-by-hour instead of week-by-week
Traditional practice management platforms are too slow to provide an all-in-one experience. Imagine your team having everything they need to process a bill on one screen. Or using your PMS to drive marketing efforts or uncover revenue opportunities. Or even leverage your best practitioners across the entire group when they have free time.
Being cloud-first means tab32 is the only practice management software that allows you to manage each-and-every office seamlessly. Whether you’re in-between patients or on a plane on your iPad, you can actively manage your team to growth and profitability.
With tab32 we don't have to have any third party systems. Everything is in one place. For the first 3 months of having tab32 we quickly saw an increase in our revenue. It was a night and day difference before we were working off servers where you have to remote access in, breaking that barrier was great for the business.
What ultimately drove us to tab32 was the ease of how to access patient records from every location…That’s big for us because that’s a part of our business model.