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Managing Multiple Dental Practice Sites with All-in-One Software

Written by Kiltesh Patel | March 21, 2018

Does your dental practice have multiple sites? Are your staff working in multiple offices or maybe sharing dentists? Can you schedule patients in multiple locations? If so, you need an EHR and dental practice management software that streamlines everything.

Cloud-based all-in-one keeps you organized

With multiple sites, staying organized is key to profit and productivity. It keeps your staff and patients happy—which is your #1 goal. Does your current software have the capability for you to view the schedules of multiple sites at the same time? The right software will allow you to organize schedules and patient records in one place. No more toggling from site to site to see appointments or patient records. Get everything you need in the same place.

Additionally, the all-in-one cloud-based software features EHR, patient communication, and billing. Everything you need to run your practice is administered by the same login and program. 

See the health of your practice on one dashboard

If you have the right software for your multi-site practice, you'll be able to view, at a glance, the health of your practice. Site by site you can see accounts receivable, outstanding insurance claims, and more. But the more helpful information is to be able to see all that info from a bird's eye view—the state of the practice overall.

Not all software systems offer this dashboard, something useful for practices of all sizes. But if you have multiple sites and even multiple owners, this dashboard gives you a unique view of your practice.

Software that grows with you

Maybe you have a handful of sites now, maybe you only have one, but if you're looking to grow, you need software that will grow with you. Changing software is so hard, so if you want to expand, consider that when picking a software. Additionally, think about how your needs will change as your practice changes. This is why an all-in-one solution is so useful. All the patient records, EHR, billing, and communication is in one place that grows right along with your practice.

Want to learn more about how tab32 cloud-based dental software can keep your multi-site practice organized? Click below to schedule a free demo!