tab32 Blog

How to Choose a Cloud-Based Dental Software for Your Practice

Written by Kiltesh Patel | February 5, 2021

So you've decided a cloud-based dental software system is the best solution for your practice. Great! (If you're not yet convinced, you can read up on some of our favorite reasons for choosing a cloud-based software over a traditional version here or here.) There are a number of vendors out there to choose from, so how will you know the best option for your practice, needs, and budget?

Here are a few ideas for getting started:

1. Make a list of the most important functions and features for YOU. This list is personal, and rather than changing your needs to make the platform work, making this list will help you narrow in on a solution that works for your needs. Think through all the needs of your practice: if you could have a dental practice management system that did ANYTHING, what would it do? What would it look like? How would it fit into your workflow? Don't hold back, make that system ideal for you. Once you have that list, you can look through and categorize each feature as a must-have or a would-be-nice. Then you'll be ready to shop.

2. Get input from your staff. Sure, they won't have the final say, but there are a number of individuals in your office who will be interacting with the platform. It's worth having them weigh-in from the beginning to get a feel for their needs and workflow before you invest. This not only will help you find the right solution, it will also help with staff buy-in if you're changing from another system. (Getting staff on board can be the hardest part of any switch! Here is a video with tips to get staff buy in)

3. Sign up for walkthroughs of systems you're considering. A commitment this big deserves more consideration than the sale rack at Best Buy! Gather as much information as you can before you jump in. This means talking to the company's representatives and engaging with them. This will give you a really good idea if this is a group you want to do business with. 

Ready to see tab32? Click to book a demo!

4. Consider the number of add-ons a system has and the impact on your staff and wallet. Many popular cloud based dental practice management software require multiple 3rd-party vendors which is very costly and can create cumbersome workflows for your staff causing them to spend time on unnecessary tasks. The most common add-ons are clearinghouses, attachment vendors (for eClaims), X-ray software, and patient communication software (including text messaging, appointment confirmations and eForms). Integrations mean that you have to learn more than one system and often require you to open up a separate screen to access the other party. Running multiple systems can result in current and future issues with functionality between them all.

tab32 is a complete solution cloud based dental practice management software. There is no need for 3rd-party vendors. tab32 can do everything you need. Click here to learn more.

5. Talk to others to see what they're using. This can be a really good way to find out the ins and outs of a system from someone who's used it longer than the trial! Read reviews, find other dentists and ask specific questions. It's impossible to get neutral information from a vendor, so these reviews and testimonials can be a wealth of information before you purchase your cloud dental software.

Click here to check out our Youtube channel with tons of customers giving their thoughts about the platform.

6. Check out their support and documentation. What kind of help do they have available? What will happen if you have a problem? Do they have a wiki? FAQ? A video library? Someone you can call? Find out before you buy so you know exactly what to do if the need arises. You are investing in a complete dental practice management system, not just a widget. The complete package, including their service, is part of that investment.

Here's a video playlist of customers talking about tab32 support and training.

We hope these five steps will help you make the right decision for your dental practice management software. It's imperative that the system works for you and your practice, and a great solution will help you maximize and grow your patient base. tab32 is a great fit for many different dental practices because it is highly customizable and has all the features you need to be successful. Learn more about the platform today by clicking here to book a demo.