tab32 Blog

Free Yourself from the Office with Cloud-Based Dental Software

Written by Kiltesh Patel | October 27, 2017

Over the past couple of weeks, we've covered some of the many benefits of cloud-based dental practice management software. From better protection from cyber attacks to saving money, cloud-based software offers a number of great solutions and features. We have another big perk to add to your list: portability.

Sure, maybe this feature isn't a big deal to a number of our users. We totally understand that not everyone wants to take their work home with them. However, when you have flexibility on where you can sign on (without bulky remote access software), it gives you a great option if you have the need.

There are a number of reasons you may want to log in to your practice software from other locations. The point isn't really how you might use this feature—more that it's available if you (or someone in your office) needs or wants it. You can even sign in on your tablet to pull information and use the cloud dental software.

Maybe it's your office manager who's laid up for a few weeks after surgery. He or she would be able to log in from home to run reports, look at the books, and keep everything going—without having to come into the office. 

For the dentists or hygienists, a quick log in from home will show what appointments are in the book for the next day. Since the schedule is likely ALWAYS changing, this is a great option to give them easy access to schedules for planning their (and your) time.  

If you have on-call availability to your patients, as a dentist you can always log in to give advice quickly and accurately. You'll have the option of pulling a patient file and looking at their most recent information for timely and useful advice. And then you can document that call without having to remember to do it later. 

This feature could be really useful for dentists operating out of multiple locations, or if you ever find yourself moving office spaces. The seamless and easy use of logging in from anywhere with wifi gives a level of freedom on-site systems just can't offer. Want to see how tab32's cloud-based dental software can make a difference in your practice? Contact us today!