tab32 Blog

Marketing Tactics for the Modern Age Dental Practice

Written by Melissa LuVisi | February 25, 2021

While you know you have to spend both money and time getting the word out about your practice—but if your basics are in place, what's next? We've covered referrals and reviews, you (hopefully) know the basics about SEO and being found online, plus social media and other basic marketing tactics. Once you've got some systems in place for all of those, you need some ideas for taking your marketing to the next level. Well, we've got a few to share with you. Let's take a look:

Talk to a solutions rep today to learn how tab32 can you implement these tactics!

1. PPC ads or pay per click ads - These ads are the ones you see every time you use Google, Bing, or even Facebook. Since all these services are free to users, they make their money by selling ad space. Fortunately, the ads can be very affordable. Unfortunately, taking the time to test, optimize, and get the campaigns just right can be complicated and time-consuming. But they don't have to be. It's not hard to find someone local to work with who can manage your ads for you. Or, if you're brave, you can do it yourself. Or maybe you have someone in your office willing to learn or who (bonus!) even has some experience.

Any way you go about it, PPC ads are a little more involved than basic but can bring in great results for your practice. There are a number of ways you can target using these digital ads, including location. So you can serve the ads to people within a certain radius of your office. This means you could hit folks near their offices, schools, or homes. It's an avenue definitely worth exploring.

2. Direct mail campaigns - For some of us, mail campaigns seem like a marketing tactic that has gone the way of the dinosaurs. But for local businesses, mail is still a great way to get the word out about your practice. Mailing lists aren't expensive, and you can target the neighborhoods near your office. Adding a deal or special for new patients to the mailer also can help you get folks in your door. Similarly, you could do a flyer or door hanger campaign in your area. Everything we do is digital anymore, but you can't underestimate the power of a marketing piece someone can hold in their hand!

3. Email marketing - Okay, we know we said everything is digital and paper is kind of novel in #2. But if you use both, you can scoop up all the patients in your particular area—regardless of their preferred communication method. Once you have someone's email address (hopefully in your records for current/past patients), from an opt-in you offer online, or even from a bought list, you can send them all kinds of information.

For example, send them a special to come back if they haven't been in for a year or so. Or, start a back-to-school campaign to remind parents to get their kids in. There are lots of ways you can leverage the email addresses to reach potential customers. The best part is that you can often set up a number of campaigns and let them just do their job. Email, in addition to our #1 in this list, can be a really powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.

Any of your marketing tactics used in tandem with a powerful, patient-focused practice management system will yield exceptional results for your practice. For example, tab32's communication and tracking makes it possible for your practice to find and reach out to patients with unfinished treatments. Imagine what impact that would have on your books? And that's not even new patients! To learn more about how tab32 can transform your marketing and your practice, book a free demo. We'd love to show you.