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Here is why a cloud dental software is key for a successful dental practice

Written by Melissa LuVisi | December 4, 2020

If you’re on the fence about implementing a dental practice management software, you might be wondering, “what can cloud dental software do for me?” 

From delivering an outstanding patient experience and managing your practices’ reputation to streamlining workflows and scaling your practice, cloud dental software can help you generate more dental practice revenues.

How Cloud Dental Software Helps Your Practice Succeed

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Cloud dental practice management software can help you scale your practice and increase your revenue more easily:

Deliver a Modern Patient Experience

Did you know that over one-third of patients prefer a healthcare provider that allows them to book, change, or cancel appointments online? A cloud dental software helps you not only meet consumer expectations but also turn more leads into patients (e.g., with after-hour booking.)

In addition, as more people are accustomed to paying their bills digitally, they demand the same level of convenience from their dentists. Not to mention, offering online payment options can help you get paid more quickly, so you can shorten the payment cycle and improve cash flow.

Dental management software also allows you to communicate effectively with your patients through email, text, and more. You can send appointment confirmation, reminder, and links to online forms to minimize no-shows while eliminating errors or delays due to manual data entry.

Streamline Workflows and Increase Cost-Efficiency

tab32 cloud dental software offers an all in one solution for dental practice management. When you consolidate everything you need to run your practice into one integrated dashboard, your staff doesn’t have to switch back-and-forth between different applications. This increases productivity while minimizing errors and delays caused by transferring information from one tool to another.

Our dental practice management platform also allows you to simplify billing by seamlessly integrating electronic claims and attachments, so you can get paid faster without the hassle of dealing with multiple vendors and payer portals.

You can also send and receive instantaneous electronic statements, as well as collect same-day payments with mobile payment solutions. This helps you shorten the patient payment cycle and improve cash flow, which is the key to running a sustainable and profitable dental practice. 

Improve Your Practice’s Reputation

Word-of-mouth is the best way to market your practice. In fact, over 80% of patients use online reviews to evaluate dentists. Whether it’s a recommendation from a friend or an online review, social proof helps you build instant credibility that can increase your conversion rates.

One of the best ways to collect reviews is to ask for one while patients are still in your office. A cloud dental software with a patient review tool allows you to collect feedback, then publish them to your website and social media profiles right away.

Of course, don’t forget to monitor comments on these posts! Patients tend to trust dentists who respond promptly to feedback because it shows that your practice cares about the patient experience.

Scale And Grow Your Practice

Dental practice management software can help you increase dental practice revenue by improving cost-efficiency while uncovering hidden income opportunities. For instance, tab32 offers features to implement a standard of care, you can add relevant procedures to each appointment and optimize your hygiene program.

In addition, the platform supports a revenue discovery module that can automate workflows to find and book appointments for incomplete treatments. You can generate an incomplete treatment report to follow up with patients and send booking links for unscheduled recall or recare visits.

You can also pre-define patient's billable insurance codes to uncover additional production opportunities. An intelligent platform can automatically process all the patient information to help you check in and follow up with patients at the right time.

An All-in-One Cloud Dental Practice Management Software

To get the most of digitizing your practice, you need to select a cloud dental software that gives you access to the features you need via an integrated platform. tab32 is the ONLY all-in-one cloud dental software. It allows you to manage your EHR, billing, patient communications, and more cost-efficiently, so you can deliver an outstanding patient experience and grow your practice.

Request a demo to see how we can help you build a successful dental practice.